Student Ambassadors: The End of an Era

Bayleigh Weber, Opinions Editor

The Forge recently received news that the 2022-2023 school year will conclude Student Ambassador’s time as a class at GMC.

I decided to talk with Ms. Schonhar, Student Ambassador Adviser, about her experience with the decade-old class.

Walking into the classroom, I was welcomed by the warm yellow walls and the sound of muffled conversations. Ms. Sho’s semi-circle desk was filled with her 4A students and mountains of candy. I pulled up a chair.

The interview began with a brief course description. Ms. Schonhar explained that our Student Ambassadors class is a part of a national organization called the Middle College National Consortium. The MCNC selects students interested in environmental and social justice issues and engages them in year-long projects.

Since the class’s formation in 2011, Student Ambassadors has had a huge role in the community here at GMC, as well as the local community.

Ms. Schonhar explained a few of the class’s highlights over the years. A majority of the Ambassador efforts involve building connections with nonprofit organizations. This task entails volunteering with human trafficking and foster care organizations and even sponsoring The Family Holiday Drive.

In this class, the student groups also had the opportunity to visit several U.S. states, including Calif., N.Y., Ohio, Texas, Washington, D.C. and Detroit, Mich.

But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

When asked why the class was ending after this school year, Ms. Schonhar explained that the GMC Administration wants more availability for core sections, which would limit the number of elective classes. Ideally, there should be a rough estimate of 24-25 students in an elective class; however, Student Ambassadors currently has a total closer to 14-15. Thus, Student Ambassadors does not have enough members to continue as a class at GMC.

I wondered if the ending of a 12-year-old class would feel in any way emotional. Ms. Schonhar thought so. She added that “the ending of an era may be a little dramatic, but there has been a lot of time and effort put into this class.”

Ms. Schonhar also added that Ambassadors is “one of those classes” that allows for everyone to get to know each other; relationships are formed. Especially considering that some of the students have been enrolled for two or three years.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that Ambassadors began as a club and could continue to be a club provided there is someone willing to host weekly club meetings.

With its departure, Student Ambassador’s is leaving a legacy. An important legacy.

“When people think of Ambassadors, I hope they think of young people that are engaged. Making a positive impact.”

                           – Megan Schonhar, 2023