September Board meeting
October 4, 2022
On September 26, 2022, from 5:30-6:30 GMC had their monthly board meeting discussing the wellbeing of the school.
Thank you to all of the members, John short, John Mansure, Darin Scheidly, Jason Ross,
Jennifer Jones, Pauline, for making our school the best it can be.
They opened the meeting with our mission statement, “GMC’s mission is to produce well-rounded, college and career ready students through collaborative and engaging learning opportunities.”
Before I move on with the article the newspaper committee would like to give our condolences to Mr. Armstrong. His father-in-law passed away on Friday 9/23/22, may he rest in peace.
The board went to the next topic, the principal report brought forth by Mr. Dillard. Everything at the school seems to be running smoothly and according to plan.
Our seniors are all ready to graduate and say adiós para siempre.
Teacher Cadet led by Mrs. Rouse is doing great. They went to the iTeach conference and attended the NGU college day, great job cadets.
From the rest of the principal report all is well with the school.
The next thing they talked about is finances. Half the stuff they talked about i didn’t understand but that’s ok.
But what I did understand included sporting facilities. And something about building middle school?
We are looking for the land to build soccer, tennis, or track facilities but all that they can find is in TR and that is way too far.
After that they discussed enrollment. We have 135 Freshman with 105 on the waitlist, 131 Sophomores with 50 on the waitlist, 125 Juniors with 70 on the waitlist, and 120 Seniors with 21 on the waitlist.
That is where they ended the meeting, nothing juicy but it’s always fun to go to them.