On December 9, GMC held its twelfth annual Miss GMC pageant. Girls from all grade levels are invited to participate and compete for the title of Class Beauty, Miss Congeniality, and Miss Photogenic. No seniors entered the pageant this year, which allowed for the first junior Miss GMC.
The freshman class consisted of five contestants. Miss Congeniality was awarded to Carissa Hartway along with Miss Photogenic and first runner-up for Freshman Class Beauty. Freshman Class Beauty was awarded to Kelly Watson.
Sophomore Miss Congeniality was awarded to Alisa Parry. Miss Photogenic was awarded to Lexi Throckmorton. The award for first runner-up for Sophomore Class Beauty was presented to Jacey Staggs. Macy Grace Powell was crowned Sophomore Class Beauty.
The junior class was certainly the most populated with over ten contestants. Miss Congeniality was awarded to Graycin Dillard. Miss Photogenic was awarded to Mya Tease. The junior first runner-up for Class Beauty was London Darnell. Sky Leitch was crowned Junior Class Beauty.
Brylee Biggerstaff was crowned Miss GMC 2024.
Congratulations to everyone who participated!