¡Bienvenido Jason Rainey!

September 17, 2021
For the 2021-2022 school year, we welcomed several new teachers to our school. One teacher that we welcomed was the new Spanish and Band teacher, Mr. Rainey, or as he prefers, Profe. He came to Greer Middle College because he has been wanting to teach here for several years and because he had a son here named Moises, a 2021 graduate. Mr. Rainey said “GMC is a wonderful school with wonderful students. I feel very blessed to be employed here.”
As a student, my favorite thing to know about a teacher is about their experience in teaching and their background. Mr. Rainey has had 17 years in education and his wife teaches ELA at Mabry Middle School. He has taught Band at Blue Ridge Middle and High, Spanish at Berea Middle, Spanish at Blue Ridge High, and ESOL at four different schools at the same time: Blue Ridge Middle, Blue Ridge High, Northwest Middle, and Travelers Rest High. Mr. Rainey has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education with a minor in Spanish from North Greenville University and a Master of Arts degree in ESOL from Furman University. He also studied Spanish in Nicaragua, and some of Mr. Rainey’s best friends only speak Spanish.
Mr. Rainey loves traveling and has been to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. He said he knew he wanted to be a teacher when he was only in elementary school, but God used the children in Nicaragua to change his life and perspective. He said “I knew I wanted to major in music but had no interest whatsoever in learning another language, that is, until I began traveling to Nicaragua.” He ended up adopting his two children from the orphanage where he was volunteering in Nicaragua.
Finally, Mr. Rainey wanted us to know that his door is always open to anyone. We are so happy to have Mr. Rainey at our school and GMC will be a better place with him here. Make sure to stop by and say hi to our new Spanish and Band teacher the next time you go down the Language and Arts hallway.